Tuesday, November 11, 2014

High Calorie Healthy Foods to Gain Weight

High calorie healthy foods to gain weight are necessary for  most people who want to increase their weight, in a healthy way. But for another reason, thin people have a fast metabolism system, so it is sometimes very difficult for them to increase their weight.
            Many reasons why someone wants to gain their weight, their reason is to improve their appearance, increase their confidence, and increase their muscle body. For some reasons many people want to increase their weight in a healthy way. High calorie healthy foods to gain weight  is one way to increase your weight. Well it is true that soda drinks contain a lot of sugar and various junk food will gain your weight, but certainly it is not good for your body in long term.
            The best way to increase your weight is to consume high calorie healthy foods as naturally and healthy as possible. Let’s read about  high calorie healthy foods to gain weight.
Healthy Foods Weight Loss Enhancer
1.      Red Meat
            If you want to gain your weight, increase your consumption of red meat. For example, a steak, which contain a lot of protein and zinc. You need a high fat content. In addition, there are also ribs, beef sausage, meat soup, chunks of beef tenderloin, and so forth. These foods are high in cholesterol, and they are suitable for your needs as high calorie healthy foods to gain weight.
2.      Pure Cow's Milk
            Replace your milk with whole milk. Especially for you who used to consume skim milk (non-fat). You need it to help gain weight. In addition, whole milk is very nutritious, especially vitamin A and vitamin D. fortunately, you can use milk in many ways like combine with cereal, oatmeal, or in the form of a glass of milk to drink. If you are accustomed to drinking coffee, use whole milk as creamer.
3.      Peanut Butter
            Peanut butter is packed with protein and fat, so it is suitable for you who want to gain weight. One tablespoon of peanut butter contains 100 calories and 4 grams of protein. Besides that peanut butter are Rich in folate, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin B3. You can enjoy it along with bread or oatmeal. When you are choosing peanut butter products, choose products which are natural and pure, without the high sugar content and a variety of other additives.
4.      Tropical Fruits
            Living in a tropical country like Indonesia, we can find various tropical fruits which are very good for weight gain. Call it papaya, mango, banana, and pineapple, which have a high content of natural sugars. These fruits will also give you more energy every day.
Add as many fruits in your eating pattern everyday. No need to worry, because no one is getting too fat because of eating fruits.
5.      Avocado
            Avocado is a popular green fruit which is very good to increase your weight in a healthy way. Avocados contain high calories, including potassium, folic acid, vitamin E and vitamin B. You can enjoy it in a salad or as a mixture made ​​of pure fresh juice. Well avocado can be your choice as high calorie healthy foods to gain weight.
            In addition high calorie healthy foods to gain your weight in a healthy way are also increasing your metabolism. Fitness or wellness program can help the body build muscle and provide space for proteins which is in your body

Keyword: High Calorie Healthy Foods to Gain Weight

Home Office Furniture Ideas

Until now, the minimalist home office furniture ideas are still favored community. Home office like this can be the answer to overcome the narrow house, especially in the little home in big cities. With a minimalist home office, then the function of room can be maximized.
            The home office furniture ideas need a touch and minimalist arrangement of different ways, especially in terms of planning and interior arrangement. It is important that the impression of space can be felt in the limited space. You may use any furnitures to make your home office more poweerful. There are several things to consider in laying out the interior of minimalist home office, here about home office furniture ideas.
1.      Avoid using a permanent room divider. The use of bulkhead to separate the home office with another room will cause a narrow sense. If it is forced to use a bulkhead, choose the temporary or accessories only. Just separate it and don’t make your room narrower.
2.      The principle of minimalist home office furniture ideas is perfect, fitting, and not excessive. Therefore, choose unique furniture and accessories, firm, without a profile, and minimal has geometric shapes.
3.      If you liked the carpet, choose a solid color but without a motive. Pattern like this will make home office seem spacious.
4.      For those who want to beautify your home office furniture ideas by adding any furniture such as painting, choose the composition and its simple frame without carving or profile. You should not put too much painting, because it will make the room feel cramped.
5.      Choice of furniture also needs to be considered. You should select simple furniture without any profiles and carvings with dark colors, like dark chocolate.
6.      In your home office use a game or brown color of wood fibers. The model is also simple furniture without a profile or carving.
7.      Choose bright colors for the walls. If you want to use the accent, the accent usually wear is behind cupboard. Meanwhile, if you want to use wallpaper, choose wicker or bamboo leaves model. Choose a simple home office furniture ideas such as table model and adjust match the paint. Do not use a very big table or cupboard, because it will make a limited space.
            Optimize furniture which has a storage cupboard, shelves, cabinets, until the bench which have storage cpboard, should be maximized. Make sure your home office furniture ideas are goods are stored there, neatly arranged so your home office more simple. The most important thing is discipline in storing your own things in your home office. So they will not make your home office crowded because you have been use any furniture inside.
Keyword: Home Office Furniture Ideas

Description: The interior is minimalist home office now applied in many minimalist home, because it does not require excessive ornaments and furniture. In such circumstances, the office will feel spacious and comfortable. All of this will also affect the performance of your mood.

Manfaat Buah Jeruk Lemon

Setelah pada beberapa artikel sebelumnya kita membahas mengenai manfaat jenis-jenis jeruk. Untuk kali ini, tema masih sama yaitu mengenai manfaat jeruk. Namun pada bahasan saat ini kami memaparkan mengenai khasiat jeruk lemon.

Kegunaan jeruk lemon dalam keseharian adalah sebagai minuman, masyarakat lebih familiar dengan jus lemon, karena jus lemon sangat cocok diminum di musim panas terlebih dinegara tropis seperti Indonesia.

Di Indonesia jeruk lemon tumbuh sangat subur, untuk itu banyak produk yang berbahan dasar jeruk lemon, seperti makanan ringan sampai minuman berkaleng. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat jeruk lemon yang mungkin belum Anda ketahui sebelumnya, bahasan kali ini kami kutip dari merdeka.com.

1. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
Mengkonsumsi sari jeruk lemon yang masih segar memiliki efek baik bagi tubuh Anda, karena kadar vitamin C pada jeruk lemon mampu menjaga daya tahan tubuh Anda dari serangan penyakit yang membuat Anda kehilangan energi. Anda bisa mengkonsumsinya dengan membuat jus lemon atau dalam bentuk lain sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
2. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk mencegah batuk
Salah satu alasan jeruk lemon bisa mencegah batuk adalah karena dalam jeruk lemon terdapat nutrisi bernama flavonoid yang mempu mencegah virus dan bakteri yang mengganggu sistem pernapasan Anda sehingga menyebabkan batuk. Bahkan jeruk lemon bisa mengobati pilek. Akan sangat baik apabila Anda mengkonsumsi jeruk lemon dalam keadaan hangat.
3. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk mencegah sembelit
Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk sistem pencernaan adalah mampu melancarkan Anda dalam proses buang air besar, untuk Anda yang sering mengalami sembelit Anda bisa mencoba mengkonsumsi jeruk lemon, jeruk lemon memiliki kadar serat cukup baik yang bisa melancarkan proses buang air besar.
4. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk mencegah penuaan dini
Apabila Anda ingin tetap awet muda, Anda bisa rajin mengkonsumsi jeruk lemon setidaknya 3 hari sekali untuk mencegah penuaan dini. Kandungan vitamin C dalam jeruk lemon membantu kulit anda untuk terus meremajakan sel kulit mati.
5. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk mencegah kanker
Jika Anda ingin mencegah kanker, Anda bisa melakukannya dengan mengkonsumsi jeruk lemon. Dalam satu buah jeruk lemon terdapat kandungan limonene yang mencegah pertumbuhan sel kanker yang disebabkan oleh pola hidup buruk dna paparan radikal bebas.
6. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi
Dalam beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buah jeruk lemon baik dikonsumsi bagi mereka yang menderita tekanan darah tinggi. Karena kandungan vitamin C jeruk lemon dibutuhkan oleh penderita untuk menormalkan darah mereka.
7. Manfaat jeruk lemon untuk mencegah racun
Kandungan dalam jeruk lemon mampu melarutkan racun yang bisa merusak kesehatan tubuh, seperti asam urat, mencairkan batu dalam empedu dan batu ginjal. Jeruk lemon bermanfaat untuk mendorong hati agar segera membuang racun dalam tubuh, sehingga tubuh Anda tetap terlindungi.
Demikian adalah beberapa manfaat buah jeruk lemon untuk kesehatan tubuh. Manfaat itu timbul karena beberapa nutrisi baik dari lemon seperti serat, vitamin C, karbohidrat, kalsium, asam folat, zat besi bahkan vitamin B. Selain itu terdapat fosfor dan magnesium yang baik untuk menjaga kesehatan tulang dan gigi. Untuk mencegah beberapa penyakit, Anda juga bisa menggunakan jeruk lemon sebagai alternatif pilihan buah sehat dalam menu makan sehat.

Deskripsi: Buah jeruk lemon memiliki warna kuning segar dengan kandungan mineral dan viatmin C yang sangat tinggi. Itulah mengapa jeruk lemon baik dikonsumsi untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh, untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai manfaat jeruk lemon, silahkan untuk membaca khasiat jeruk lemon untuk kesehatan.